So I have 2 hvac systems upstairs is a single stage AC unit and my downstairs is a 2-stage heatpump with dual fuel. My upstairs found AC and the furnace (fan)
My downstairs … sense had found my draft inducer fan, the furnace (med) and stage 1 Heat/cool. I have been looking for it to find stage 2. It’s been running for a few months now, what the sense meter did this Monday it decided that stage 2 is now my upstairs AC, it didn’t add the historical data from that last few months. It’s just added it to upstairs AC at some point on Monday. When I look at the patterns in the meter the I’m not sure why it did this, my down stairs stage 2 pretty much comes on and it’s 2604 watts, there isn’t a big surge at the beginning
I don’t know of any way to “fix” this. Like you suspected, the options from Sense are going to be either live with it or delete it. I suggest you live with it! The advantages are:
You will still have historical data from the old device when you scroll back in time.
You may now rename this device to “Stage 2” since that is what it represents.
You can make a note to yourself in the comment field, if that helps.
Sense will probably find a new “upstairs AC” next summer since the former definition has been repurposed.
I understand you are likely frustrated since Stage 2 took over your perfectly good detection instead of creating a new one. This complex technology we are using runs on artificial intelligence, so sometimes it does things we think are weird.
I had a similar situation where Coffee became the portable space Heater. As long as it detects the device reliably, I just go with the flow. If detection is not reliable is then I would delete the device.
I have kept around my “merged” floor heating loop / dryer detection, despite the conflation, because it is pretty reliable and I wanted to keep the history. If / when you delete a detection and Sense replaces it with a new, hopefully better model, Sense will usually back fill the new detection back a little way in time, but not far enough for what I wanted in this case.