Look I’m going to be gentle here and just end this conversation. I’m not incorrect, we were talking about AP’s, now you’ve moved onto Dream Machine, which is not an AP (the non-pro version can include an AP in the same housing). Second, they use Suricata. Suricata is purely signature based, like an antivirus program from 3 decades ago. Only worse, most signatures are simplistic, prone to false positives, and the alerts they generate do not provide much context to decide whether they warrant further investigation or can be ignored. This is the achilles heal of “free”. And because I was talking about Meraki AP’s here’s a rundown on what IDS/IPS on an AP looks like.
I know what security of infrastructure is, that’s what I do, day in and out. Ubiquiti products are fine for some people, but they are problem prone. I know this from experience, time and time again. I’m not here to argue and I can only offer my advice based on years in the industry and speaking to millions of people in the SecOps world.
I’ll leave you with some reading material if you choose. The point of the below articles, which are fairly recent, is to shed some light on the general consensus in the IT/Security world. While I’m sure anyone can find bad reviews and opinions on Cisco, Juniper etc, the point should be that most of these people think of Ubiquiti as a hobbiest or lab product. That’s a consensus that you wont find with other products.
If you are okay with what you have then great! Again, my point that I’ve reiterated over and over is to try a different AP by using a hotspot etc to help with process of elimination. I’m not here to bash on you, or Ubiquiti, but I personally wouldn’t ever recommend them. We are all entitled to our opinions and that’s what makes this world great.
Rude, but fair… to be honest I stopped researching much about their products years ago because they are what they are. I always read up on their new lines, scan for improvements, but ultimately they haven’t changed for the better. I am not, never have been and (most likely) never will be a Ubiquity pro…