I installed my sense system 3 days ago. It’s been going pretty well with monitoring my usage and seeing how many watts things use.
So far its found 3 devices and asked me to name them. I know for sure that one of them is correct but don’t think the other two are.
The sump pump seems to be right on the money with its turned on and off. However the “Fridge” and “AC” I don’t have a clue to what they are. I tried to turn off the breaker for what I thought was the fridge when sense told me it was on but that didn’t seem to power it off on sense. The same thing with the AC. It was reported on and I asked Nest to turn off both units I have. So thinking sense was confused I looked to see what other names it might be and found Dehumidifier. So i went to see if when that was turned on and off sense agreed. I don’t think it did. I changed the humility from 55 to 50 to get it to turn on and sense didn’t recognize it.
So my question is what should I do? Delete them?