Other tracks exactly to solar generation?

I’m struggling to solve this… my “OTHER” tracks exactly to the solar generation to a tee. So, therefore I’m getting inaccurate energy usage results. Not sure if the way it was installed that the sensor is picking up solar power generation rather than usage.

That’s strange. Maybe post a picture of your Power Meter view for a day. If your usage is somewhat tracking your solar, instead of your true usage, then your configuration, of what was a working system, might have gotten scrambled - that’s happened to a few folks here recently. Go ahead and post using the upload icon in the toolbar above the comment entry box.

See above - a few examples… it tracks right to the usage

Was it always doing that or is that new ? That looks like a solar configuration issue. Either way, contact support.sense.com

sense just solved this for me today… if you look at the solar screen you will see the three icons, To Grid, Home, and Solar… you will notice that “TO GRID” is actually what your home is consuming, and “HOME” is really what’s going out to your grid. In your graphs above the red is supposed to be “HOME” but actually reading the “TO GRID” values… In the screenshot below my home was drawing 1,777 watts and 4,794 were going “to grid”. just call them and explain that those two are backwards… they fixed my install in a few seconds.

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Difference between supply side & load side PV hookup.
Sense has an algorithm that guesses that, and most of the time it is right.
But I had it change for customers (and myself) out of the blue multiple times.

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