POLL: Is your Labs power quality graph current?

Can ANYONE confirm their labs power quality graph is current and functioning properly?

Sense internal support states the issue of the graph not updating since the 9th is only effecting a handful us users which is why it is taking so long to determine the cause much less a fix.

If you are effected by this issue, please submit a ticket if you have not already.


Nope, not updated since November 10th for me.

Mine has not updated since the 9th.

Hopefully the Sense engineers can demine the correlation between being an active forum user and this issue. As it appears all forum users make up the “few monitors” effected by this.

Mine is back to November 9th. That is over two weeks out of date.

My power quality graph has not updated since November 10th.

I will submit a trouble ticket.

I have not before now because I was told not to awhile back. At that time, sense support techs were not able to address power quality issues because it is a lab feature.

I submitted a trouble ticket to get help with the apparent data drops on the power quality graph.
At that time, I fully expected the glitch to be worked out promptly and that the graph would be up-dated.

I mentioned the lab feature not working to the support tech as a side note. S/He then replied that there wasn’t a problem.

If there wasn’t a problem, why was my power quality graph stuck on the 10th of November?

I’ve given up on Sense Support but I will
Submit another ticket for the team.

Nov 9th the clock stopped here as well

Got November 9th here… Gerry

November 9th

Add another for the 9th.


Same here, stuck on November 9th

Myself as well.

mine since the 9th


*brief version

11/22 Me, “The Labs Power Quality feature has not updated since 11/9.
As you can see from previous tickets and countless forum posts this is a reoccurring issue that effects all users.”

11/22 Pranav Jose responded that he was passing the ticket along for a deeper look.

11/23 George, “Unfortunately we do not have an update for the Power Meter issue”

11/23 Me, “Any idea what is taking to long to correct these issues?
Why is CS responding to other users tickets saying there is no issue with the power meter, when clearly there is?
Is the lack of properly documented reports the reason for such a low priority?”

11/24 Aravindh, “we have noticed that it is only affecting a few monitors; however, please be assured that it will be fixed very soon. We have notified all support agents about this issue, and we are treating it with care.”

11/24 Me, "I also just started a poll here: https://community.sense.com/t/poll-is-your-labs-power-quality-graph-current

11/28 George “Both the Power Quality Meter issue and the today displayed as “yesterday” issues are still being investigated and we do not have an update yet. Please note we are aware of the the Power Quality Meter issue within Sense Labs, however we do not currently show any issues with the Live Power Meter. It appears there may have been some confusion when “Power Meter” was referenced. Apologies for any miscommunication, moving forward please indicate if you are writing in about the Power Quality Meter or the Live Power Meter.”

11/28 Me, " I have absolutely no idea how there could have been any miscommunication when I specifically said:
“The Labs Power Quality feature has not updated since 11/9.”."

11/28 Me, "George on Wednesday at 13:17 you wrote: “Unfortunately we do not have an update for the Power Meter issue nor the today displaying as “yesterday”.
Moving forward please indicate if you are writing about the Power Quality Meter or the Live Power Meter.”

11/28 George, “Apologies for that on Wednesday, that was a typo on my end. We will be in touch with you once we have an update for either issue.”

@CarolAtSense @JuliaAtSense I think I’ll start a new forum thread titled “Sense employee issues” and start quoting the dozens of other posts regarding issues with CS.
Would that finally get the attention of the decision makers that SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE? The constant excuses, blaming the customer followed by half hearted apologies have become meaningless to us at this point.


Someone mentioned the Customer Support responded with
“we have noticed that it is only affecting a few monitors”

Nobody has yet mentioned here that for them it is working normally.

Just saying…

That’s the funny part, Aravindh kept saying “this issue”. It appeared TO ME as if he was referring to the LABS “Power Quality Meter” issue and not the (unknown to me) “Live Power Meter” issue.

If George thought Aravindh was talking about the “Power Quality Meter” then why the heck did he confuse himself so easily and blame me?

If George thought he was talking about the “Live Power Meter issue” that means George never got the notification to “all support agents” or read my ticket.
Was there a separate issue effecting the “Live Power Meter” Sense is aware of but no one posted here about?

On that note it appears the today is “yesterday” issue has finally been fixed. As my ‘Device Power Meter’ (Hope that is the Sense employee’s socially acceptable term for it) is now showing today as ‘today’ and this week as ‘this week’.

*** The “Power Quality Meter” has still not updated since the 9th. ***

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Anthony Today at 09:29,
“The Power Quality graph is experiencing this bug. I have a few other users
who are reporting this as well. Which Sense app version are you on for documenting purposes?
I have a ticket open with engineering now.”

*additional update
Anthony Today at 15:51
“This bug is on engineering’s radar
now as it was found to be widespread. Thanks for bringing this
to our attention! I will reach out as soon as I get an update from engineering.”

Anthony’s response TO THE SAME TICKET saying “a few other users who are reporting this as well” and “This bug is on engineering’s radar now as it was found to be widespread.” leads me to believe Aravindh was most defiantly talking about the “Power Quality Meter” when he stated “we have noticed that it is only affecting a few monitors” back on 11/24.

But wait

So Anthony finally opened a ticket with engineering but still needs more information, yet @JuliaAtSense claims they have already identified the issue and implementing some updates.

*Why didn’t George get the notification that was sent to all support agents?
*Why is George still so confused?
*Why wasn’t a ticket opened and sent to engineering sooner?
*Why does support still need more information to document the issue?
*Why wasnt this poll/thread that was attached to my ticket being used as evidence as to how widespread this issue is?
*Why did it take so long for Sense to recognize the nature of this issue?
*How exactly has Sense streamlined their internal processes?
*How many users must submit tickets to support for the exact same issue before support is allowed to submit their own ticket to engineering?
*Why is @JuliaAtSense posting information that seemingly conflicts (conflicted) with Sense support?
*What will it take for the higherups at Sense to address these CONSTANT ONGOING ISSUES WITH SUPPORT and issue a FORMAL statement much less a private response?


Really is sad that the users seem to know more about what is going on with the Sense interface and issues than the Sense tech people.


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