Power Quality Chart - not up-dating - Nov 2022

Hi @Kathy and all,

If you guys do have an absolute need to see your grid voltage and frequency in close to real-time, here’s a simple piece of python code that illustrates how to do it using the informal API. I think the API is rate limited to one update_realtime every minute so set my polling to 60 seconds. You could change to a longer interval to meet your needs, send the print to a file and change the time and other formatting as needed.

from sense_energy import Senseable
import time

sense = Senseable()
sense.authenticate('login@myemail.com', 'password')

while True:
    t = time.asctime(time.localtime())
    print (t," ", sense.active_voltage, "V", sense.active_frequency, "Hz")

Here’s a sample of the output.