Sense app controlling Tesla charging with excess solar

OK, after MANY months of testing the latest version of TesSense, the app for charging your Tesla with extra solar that would go back to the grid is on GitHub and I actually have TWO users from Tesla Motors Club using it already. I am sure there are more Tesla owners on a Sense forum than there are Sense owners on a Tesla forum so I am also posting here. Since I don’t check this forum often (it’s been since February) you can also find me at:

I have added a few cool features not only calling SenseLink to update Sense with my Tesla’s charging power, but calling TPLink to get the power used by select smart plugs and controlling when they turn off and on so that big ticket items get the bulk of solar generation.

Specifically I have a Tesla controlled by the TesSense part of the app, also my wife’s Mitsubishi iMiev, my Vectrix electric motorcycle, and my wife’s office space heater are all controlled by the TPLink part that are plugged into smart plugs so when the Hot Tub, the Dishwasher, the Oven, the Iron or any other high draw device takes all the free solar they turn off, and when done, my devices, or any I put in the list, will come back on and use free solar until the sun goes down…

Any questions on how to install should be obvious by looking on the GitHub site as above, also all future updates can be found there: