Sense is off but detecting items

I am out of town. Everything in my home has been turned off but the sump pump. The sense monitor is stating it is offline as I have the internet unplugged as well. I received a notification that sense detected a new heating device. How can it detect if my sense is offline? Is this an error since nothing in my home is on?

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I don’t think it’s an error. It’s odd to understand, but when sense finds a device it has nothing to do with the current data. Your sense account has been analyzing information it has been collecting and just now put “2+2” together and is reporting a found device. It used data it collected in the past. PS. I would of left the internet and sense on so it would continue to monitor.


@jwpiersol agree he should have left it on. May alert them to issues with that sump pump. That is, if it has detected it…