Sense - One Month and only 7 devices found

Hi all - first time poster. I have had my Sense installed for approximately one month (installed on 2/16/19). I have enjoyed learning a lot about my electrical consumption over the course of the month and so far I really do like Sense. I’m a little disappointed that Sense has only found eight devices (fridge, microwave, dishwasher (2 devices), space heater, condensate pump, garage lights, and electric blanket), but I’m remaining patient at this point. I’m surprised that Sense has not found my furnace since it is on frequently and has roughly the same electric fingerprint each time it comes on. Should I be disappointed in what Sense has found so far?

You should be happy with that many in my opinion. Especially if they are accurate. I’m a couple months in with 27 but a lot of them are inaccurate or conflated with other devices.
My air handler fan has not been detected either.
Just do your best to be patient and they will come. You’ll be surprised one day with several at a time.

Eight reliable devices in one month is FABULOUS. Many of us take far longer than that and you should be delighted

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Welcome! I would say having 8 reliable devices a month in is pretty good depending on what devices it HASN’T picked up on yet. Furnace fans may take a while if at all if it’s a variable unit.

A month is relatively short time for Sense to see all the devices operate enough. Time will tell, I encourage you to stick with it and keep us posted along the way.

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I would concur that 8 devices in the first month is quite decent, perhaps even slightly above average. Just continue on - as hard as I know it can be, patience is key when it comes to detections. :wink:

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