Solar unknown error during setup

I’m hoping someone may be able to help me out. I recently installed the sense solar CTS and plugged it into the back of the since unit. I then waited for a sunny day in order to run the setup but it does not seem to matter what I do I continue to get the same error. During the setup portion of the solar, it gets to waiting for off on inverter. My inverter is outside the home and the only way to completely turn it off is to flip the outside breaker cutting solar off from that box. No matter what I do I continue to get the same error. I have checked and both of the CTs are facing the same direction. I tried switching them to the opposite direction to see if that made an issue. I’ve also power cycled my sense, but cannot seem to get past this step. Any thoughts?

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I have the exact same issue. Tried everything.

I have an Enphase system. During the step to turn off the inverter I am shutting off the disconnect on the outside of the house. My system is breaker fed and I can see my meter showing solar input. I verified the CT clamp install (I have the sun symbol facing the panel solar feed breaker) just like the instructions.

Check with, especially if you don’t have an on/off control on your inverter.

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The minimum solar startup wattage (500w) is important. As long as your inverter is working and it’s a sunny day most CTs are going to register the required minimum.

I have successfully used the solar CTs on a dedicated circuit: a hot water tank.
The trick there was that I didn’t necessarily want to cycle the breaker to simulate “inverter off”.
My solution was to quickly unclamp the CTs and then re-clamp them. Certainly not the easiest, safest or most reliable solution but it worked for me. It really helps that I have a small and easily accessible panel.

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I just installed my sense system with solar and failed at same point, Enphase Micro Inverters 8.3 KW system. any help out there??

At which point did it fail ? I think I have seen setup fail when you have to turn your inverter off, then back on again for calibration, and either it takes too long for the inverter(s) to restart or something just doesn’t go right (Sense can sort out polarities / calibration). Typically you can contact and they will help debug.

As @kevin1 mentioned, if you haven’t reached out to Support ( already, please do. They’ll be able to take a deeper look and get you up and running.

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