What's new in Web App v4: Data Export

A lot of requests for higher resolution, but I think that’s the wrong direction.

I would rather have the option to set a consumption threshold query over some fixed length of time, then the time data becomes incidental the device turning on. If I have a 14.5k watt device that turned on for five minutes, maybe five times every day on average; 86400 data points just turned into 10.

Just because I can’t trigger a write to your database, doesn’t mean I can’t identify my own devices. Again, this feature would turn the device identifying process- for y’all- into an incidental one. Real estate for data is so cheap now, you might find better and quicker identifying results if you segmented a data table for each user out, let them (us) positively (to us) identify and label what I feel fairy certain most of us can already do. I mean, at some point, somebody considered the risk factor of a bunch of non-electrician consumers (us) sticking their fingers in and around enough voltage to kill us, in order to install this thing ourselves. So identifying a non Sense, et al. detected device seems pretty logical for this customer demographic. As is, it’s like we’re 18 year old soldiers sent to war, but not old enough to drink.

I vote for reasonable increase/decrease changes for exporting, personally.


Consider this another vote for higher resolution. I have a Heat-Pump Water Heater whose schedule I’m optimizing, and it’d be great to know exactly how much energy it’s using at any given time. 5-minute resolution is all I need, but per-minute resolution would be nice, too.

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Better yet, add another like to the corresponding wishlist item:

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Any additional updates on this from Sense? I am also interested in 1-5min data export. Also willing to pay for exports on a monthly basis.


Nothing new, but keep requesting. 1 hour is current internal aggregation base unit for all the Sense reports.


It remains that Sense has little value to me without high resolution data. There are so many good reasons already listed in this long thread for why it has value. As stated above, Sense obviously recognizes the value of high resolution data as they are collecting very high resolution data. Please, at least give us the 1 second resolution version.

I have had my Sense meter installed for more than 2 years, waiting for the ability to export the data it has collected. I can’t move it to a new location because Sense wipes all historical data when it is moved. The demographic you have chosen to support is interested in high resolution data. Please, support us and provide this valuable and meaningful information.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Power Quality Voltage data exports of 30 days +

A post was split to a new topic: Sizing a Home Generator w/ Sense Data


I do not see the export button in my screen.

Can you please help?


@synergytech , a few questions:

  • Are you looking in the Web App ? No such button on iOS app or Android app.
  • Are you looking on the Trends page/panel ?
  • Which browser are you using ? Working for me in Safari and Chrome for multiple devices.

9 posts were split to a new topic: How do i get started integrating Sense with Home Assistant?

Is there a way to download the exported data, in its current form (hourly or daily), programatically?

API call? HTTP call?

If you’re familiar with Selenium or RSelenium you can emulate the web actions needed to Export. The following worked for me in Rselenium. userid and password are the account credentials for your Sense. I stuck some sleeps in there to allow time for screen renderings. The toughest part is getting the to the Hours vs Days in the Export pop-up.

# Login to the website
remDr$navigate ("https://home.sense.com/login")
webElem <- remDr$findElement(using = "class", 'field__wt-74ee4')

# Go to Power Trends  
remDr$navigate ("https://home.sense.com/trends")

# Navigate to Export Icon and push the button
webElem <- remDr$findElement(using = 'class', value = 'trends__export-icon') 

# Work through Export popup
webElem <- remDr$findElement(using = 'class', value = 'modal__content') 
remDr$mouseMoveToLocation(0, -80, webElement = webElem)
webElem <- remDr$findElement(using = 'class', value = 'sense-button__container') 
webElem <- remDr$findElement(using = 'class', value = 'modal__content') 

Although true hi-res is useful, what I really need is something that I think is much easier. Today you offer hourly/daily aggregate exports from the topmost screen of a device. What I need is an export feature within the device Timeline. No new data, just export the device on/off times that you are already displaying in that view. My scenario is that I’m troubleshooting a faulty cistern pump and need to be able to plot the on/off cycling in excel. I don’t have the time/skills to scrape the data myself from the Timeline view. Just give me an export button on that screen to dump what you are already displaying. Thanks

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2 posts were split to a new topic: How Does Export Work?

Any updates on this topic of allowing downloads of higher time resolution data (e.g. 5 or 1 min)?
Understood that this was not a priority in mid-2021, is it coming closer to the top of the priority list?

My take is you shouldn’t count on it. My recommendation (as an experienced user) right now is that if you want to do that cross correlation with 1 minute or 5min data, you should either convert an old PC/Raspberry Pi to Home Assistant or buy an Off the Shelf Home Assistant product (like Home Assistant Yellow). Home Assistant has built-in Ecobee, Sense and Awair CO2 integrations (sorry no Aranet).

I am doing analyses cross-correlating data from multiple Smart Home sensors, such as Ecobee (5 min), Aranet CO2/T/RH (1 min), and others, and higher time resolution would help a lot. Understood that this was not a priority in mid-2021, but can @JustinAtSense clarify if it is coming closer to the top of the priority list?

Enables me to do things like this - Sense HVAC vs. Ecobee

Or this - Awair vs Ecobee

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Thanks. Too bad, as it wouldn’t seem so difficult to implement. Maybe Sense could just add an option in settings to “Enable 1 min downloads” and then generate the 1 min datasets only for the folks that do that, with the same code they already use to generate the 1h data. I assume would be a minority of sense users, so that the additional storage space wouldn’t be much. [I am assuming that they pre-calculate and store those data to enable fast donwloads, and that the extra storage is the reason why they haven’t enabled faster downloads].

Re: Home Assistant Yellow, I assume this is it: Home Assistant Yellow | Crowd Supply

Basically it is a hub to then be used with the Home Assistant Software. I have a SmartThings hub and have been using that. It is likely more limited, but at least a few years ago it sounded like Home Assistant required a lot of time investment and programming skills. I have some of the latter but less of the former. Has that changed?

Once you get that device, is it easy to link all the Sense, Ecobee etc. and download the data? In fact, do I even need the hub, or could I just create a Home Assistant account (if that’s a thing), link the accounts, and download that way?

I took the low-no programming path to ramping up Home Assistant. Here were the steps:

  1. Set up (or buy off the shelf-ready) Home Assistant. I had a couple of old Intel NUCs sitting around the house. All I did was buy a couple of SSDs (1 for each - would recommend 256G or larger), downloaded and flashed the Home Assistant Operating System : (HASS OS) onto the SSDs from my MacBook using Balena Etcher, then added to each NUC.
  1. I did the usual DOS/PC stuff to boot off of the SSD, until I saw the Home Assistant server come up on the NUC. Once I did that I went to that NUC in my browser and set up my main account - Home Assistant steps you through on the client/brower.

  2. Once in Home Assistant will start running, alert you to any updates, etc. and take care of installs (prompted of course). Once Home Assistant is up and running you can look through the catalog of integrations - most are as simple as pushing the Install Integration button, then logging into your Sense (or whatever) account to start the data collection.

Some integrations are slightly less turnkey and use what is called HACs (that’s where the Tesla car integration lives, though if you have a Power Wall or smart Tesla Wall Connector, there are off the shelf integrations)

  1. Once those are set up an loaded, your Home Assistant is collecting data - I forget the default time periods, but that information is documented for each integration. You then need to spend a little time exploring the Device, Entities and Sensors associated with each Integration.

  2. Home Assistant creates a default Dashboard for you, but you can then create custom ones using the default one and a little bit of of exploration. Plenty of YouTube videos on how-to. No code required - all form driven.

  3. Eventually you will want to fine tune yaml configuration files and maybe even do a little code. All possible but not required.

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Thanks, this seems somewhat involved. I don’t have Nucs etc. at home, although my group does use them for research.

I do gather than HA is NOT a web service like sense or smartthings, but that everything is saved on that little computer? And then one access it through a web interface through a real PC or smartphone? (Sorry for my ignorance).

If I bought the default Home Assistant Yellow thingy, do you think it would that have enough memory etc. to do some of this 1 min stuff? (Understood you may not know)