What brought me here?
Questions on my Sense device accuracy, insight and common experiences incase anyone has expertise to offer related to my questions.
How long have I been using Sense?
I don’t remember exactly, but defintely a few years. I recently moved into my first house, and have three months of data since my move.
Currently in school for HVAC certification in Massachusetts.
Other smart home tech?
Google Home, Google Chromecast, Samsung Smartthings, Philips Hue, LG Smart TVs, Yamaha network receiver, multiple Bang and Olefson BT speakers, smart ACs, MyQ garage door, Harmony remote, Smartthings motion sensors, Smartthings washer/dryer, August doorlock and doorbell cam, tons of smart lights from various companies, wifi connected Litter Robots, smart security cameras, Tile trackers, BT glucose meter for my diabetic cat… I could go on all day.
Favorite type of barbeque?
Good ole fashioned Weber grill on the patio in my backyard.
Post of Reddit or Twitter?
Nope, I have zero social media accounts, it’s toxic and I refuse to partake.
Introduce myself?
Okay. I live in Mass, first time homeowner, in my mid 30s, live with my GF of 5 years. We have kids, but only the furry kind, cats, and I love them more then anything in the world, including my GF, and she’s cool with that. I love my MK6 GTI, love having my own garage to work on it, and would spend all day in there if I could get away with it, which I can’t.
New user having trouble posting new topic?