New Members/Old Members: Introduce yourself!

What brought me here?
Questions on my Sense device accuracy, insight and common experiences incase anyone has expertise to offer related to my questions.

How long have I been using Sense?
I don’t remember exactly, but defintely a few years. I recently moved into my first house, and have three months of data since my move.

Currently in school for HVAC certification in Massachusetts.

Other smart home tech?
Google Home, Google Chromecast, Samsung Smartthings, Philips Hue, LG Smart TVs, Yamaha network receiver, multiple Bang and Olefson BT speakers, smart ACs, MyQ garage door, Harmony remote, Smartthings motion sensors, Smartthings washer/dryer, August doorlock and doorbell cam, tons of smart lights from various companies, wifi connected Litter Robots, smart security cameras, Tile trackers, BT glucose meter for my diabetic cat… I could go on all day.

Favorite type of barbeque?
Good ole fashioned Weber grill on the patio in my backyard.

Post of Reddit or Twitter?
Nope, I have zero social media accounts, it’s toxic and I refuse to partake.

Introduce myself?
Okay. I live in Mass, first time homeowner, in my mid 30s, live with my GF of 5 years. We have kids, but only the furry kind, cats, and I love them more then anything in the world, including my GF, and she’s cool with that. I love my MK6 GTI, love having my own garage to work on it, and would spend all day in there if I could get away with it, which I can’t.

New user having trouble posting new topic?


What brought you here?
Issues. Of course, issues using Sense.

How long have you been using Sense?
Since Oct 2022, 8 months now.

What do you do for work?
Retired from 1st software dev then management consulting then teaching.

What other smart home tech do you have?

What’s your favorite type of barbecue?
Haven’t had BBQ I have not liked. Some more than others, but which depends on the day.

Do you post on Reddit? Have a Twitter handle?
I use Reddit regularly. I have a twitter handle, but do not like or use it.

Introduce yourself!
Old guy and wifey living in an electric powered garden style condo / apartment.
Elec is our only energy source.
We use a Wiser Sense Monitor. Wiser because it was reasonably priced on eBay, and as far as I know functionally the same as all others. It came with solar bit that I did not use, until a few days ago when I wanted to learn more about my 3-zone ductless mini-split.
We use the mini-split as our primary heat and only AC source - which after being on for continuously for seven months is still undetected by Sense. I only use it about seven months a year.
Secondary heat source is active resistive electric.
Tank hot water.

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Welcome @USA_NH , did you choose to use your “solar” Flex Sensors on the mini split ?

Yes. A few days ago I put it on the mini split circuit, but the three heads are off right now, I don’t need heat or AC. Since doing so, I have learned the system’s phantom load is 38W.

All was good until, as the app requested, I changed the standby threshold to 39W. Once I did that the bubble for that dedicated circuit stopped being presented, but the wattage is not being accounted for in any bubble, so the sum of the bubbles is about 20W lower than the current wattage for everything. I don’t know why, but am hoping it corrects in a day or few.

You might consider that 38W as “phantom load”, but in Sense parlance, it is really an Always On load. When you set the Standby to 39W, that means you won’t see dynamic/bubble usage unless the mini-split uses more than the baseline Always On, used to power the controller and thermostats. And that 38W is part of your Always On bubble.

My name is Micah and I am new to Sense. Installation was a snap (although, I am pretty handy). The most challenging part was that my breaker box cover is flush to the wall, which means there was no punchout for the antenna. For now, I have it “squeezed” through the side of the cover. I am planning on drilling a hole in the cover to be able to properly mount the antenna.

I’m a software developer and lead a team within DevRel for an application security company called: Snyk.

I have Alexa’s all over the house, scads of smart bulbs, smart vents to manage airflow at different times and during different seasons in the house and a bunch of smart plugs.

I’m a big fan of the Kansas City burnt ends (meat marshmallows).

I’m here because I had a great experience identifying and merging devices in the Sense app and I wanted to share it. But, that will be another post.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Grid Flowing to Solar?

Hi, I’m Scott, a new Sense Solar user in Kentucky. Trying to post a new thread in Technical Information for insight into something that doesn’t seem right to me but that support has indicated is working as expected. Guess I need to post a few replies before I can get access. So Hi!

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Hey Scott, welcome! I saw your other post and approved it. It’s live now. If anymore get hung up we’ll be sure to release them quickly


My name is Dave. I just installed Sense about a week ago. I am having some seeming inconsistencies with what is being reported. I will try to find appropriate categories to post my questions and experiences.Glad there is a user discussion forum. I hope it is active. :o)

Looking forward to a fun data experience. ;o) I got my first device notification email this morning. I recognized my coffee maker (Keurig), LOL.



Hi I’m Matt, and I’ve had trouble with sense for the last 6 months. It’s only recognizing 30% of my energy consumption and hasn’t recognized a device in 3 months.

Is this normal for the rest of you? I’m super disappointed for how difficult this was to purchase and install. Without sinking additional money in, I’d love to hear of any other tips for how I can get more of my other appliances recognized.

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Hi @mriley26, I’ve tried to do a couple user blogs that help with this. The first step is understanding which devices Sense is likely to “see” and detect, and which ones it is unlikely to “see” and detect, as well as why (there are a variety of reasons).

The second part is using a good methodology to fill in the blanks. But that’s only possible if you understand what Sense is missing in your house and a bit about why.

Hopefully these articles are helpful - feel free to ask questions.

Hello all,

I’m new to sense and pretty new to energy monitor systems. I actually started with Emporia last month, which was nice but didn’t give me the display I was looking for. I did like the per circuit measuring that Emporia provided, but there was a big downside that didn’t work with my house electrical.

My house was built in 1960 and there is a main panel outside, there is a sub-panel in the pantry and another sub-panel in one of the bedroom closets; with each of the sub-panels controlling roughly half of the house. So, for me to put a sensor on each breaker, I’d need to buy 3 Emporia Vue kits, which will get expensive. And, that’s just the start of the cons.

I’m hoping that Sense is able to provide a solution to this main issue. I’m going to buy smart plugs to put specific items on like our tv, fish tank, fish pond, room fans, etc. to help isolate individual draws and get a more precise measurement of energy use.

I’m looking forward to learning more and providing help where I can.

Welcome @gjgrosser ,
I’m one of the end-user moderators here and have written a couple of blogs for new Sense users. Like you, there was not way I could use Emporia because I have 100 of so circuits spread over 3 panels. The good nest is that I have been able to get some pretty good results out of Sense, but only with a little extra thought about how to pull together all the usage in my house.

This is a great “starter blog” because it helps give you insights into how Sense “sees” and “detects” usage via their current AI techniques and gives you a better idea of what will be detected and what won’t, plus why:

@gjgrosser, once you are familiar with the ideas in the first blog, plus have has a little time with your Sense to start detecting things, here’s a blog on the methodology I used to move Sesne to detect about 80% of all my usage. Part of the trick is auditing your use via a separate spreadsheet.