Problems with Browser UI

Anyone else having issues using the browser UI for Sense?

I have used both Safari (which I realize is not formally supported), as well as Chrome. Neither does a good job loading data from my Sense monitor.

My iOS client works consistently and predictably though…

I find on my browser, (when in the power meter mode), I often have to shift+refresh, or go back 15 minutes and forward 15 minutes to get the real time reading to be accurate. Changing out of power meter mode and back into it helps also. Agree, iOS client is best.

It might help to disable ad-blockers, as suggested in this thread:

I tried that and noticed improvement, although the web version of the Sense app isn’t working as well for me as it did last month.

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I used to be able to do the equivalent of “banging the television on the side” to make the browser work… Stuff that you mention like refreshing the page, switching from mode-to-mode or changing the time-period… (which in and of itself indicates that it’s not really working as intended)…

But now, I can’t even get it to work while banging on the side… Often, it displays no realtime information (either in the live meter or in the upper corner on other display modes), or the little dots that tell you that it’s “thinking” or “busy loading” displays indefinitely…

I used to be able to “bang on the side” to get it to work as recent as 2 weeks ago… But over the last couple of weeks, it has been behaving more poorly than usual…

Thanks, I’ll have to see if I have an adblocker active and try disabling it…

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