App unable to communicate with sense services. My sense unit is connected to my WiFi and my Internet is working properly. Anyone else having this issue?
Down for me for the past hour.
My Sense is also down
same here, I can see packages going in/out from sense on my monitor. Seems like data is till going to sense. Just cant access webinterface
Hi all, thanks for your comments here. Our team has been made aware and are currently working on a fix. Either @JamesDrewAtSense or I will give you an update as soon as we can.
I have been getting the same message…my end is connected to wifi…is the Sense network down???
Could you not send alerts and emails like this when the API is down on your side please? It’s really annoying and 90% of the time its the API and the email or alert never even mentions this.
Your system may be offline.
This usually happens because of a network connection loss or power outage. If your network or power come back online, Sense should reconnect by itself. However if the problem persists, here’s what we suggest:
- Check that your network is connected to the internet and confirm that Sense is connected to the correct network: Settings > System. You can switch networks by selecting Network.
You can go to and subscribe to alerts.
When I made the original post, said everything was good. Alerts are nice, but not very useful when it seems like posts here are what trigger the status site to be manually updated versus the system monitoring itself and updating on its own.
I saw the email ahead of the postings. But I think there are cases that the current monitoring still misses, and relies on human user feedback, as you suggest. Would also be nice to see the status and operations via the app mechanism rather than a separate route
Completely Agree!
Your feedback is always appreciated and I’ll be sure to pass this along to our team regarding alerts.
As for the issue users were experiencing yesterday, this has been resolved and everything is back to normal. Please contact our Support team if you are still noticing problems -
I just submitted a ticket via the Chat. The issue is with the timeline. It stopped at 11:24 L and then somewhat updated during the the late night from 2:46- 5:02, It’s still not current. It also had multiple repeats before and after the fix.
Thank you @ron111157. After chatting with our Support team, it looks like other users are experiencing this due to the outage yesterday. They are currently looking into this. Please keep an eye on our status page ( in the meantime, but I will be back with an update as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience here. says everything is good (all green).
App still saying problem talking to the Sense service randomly or just not populating screens like Solar. You all might want to look into an API monitoring product like SemaText, Prometheus or AppDynamics.
Logging into via a web browser it’s fine, so the problem appears specific to the APIs the mobile apps are using.
Mobile app is working for me. But device history is still behind. AC was on 5 min ago, but history says was last on 12+ hours ago.
Is the device that you are using to attach to Sense on the same WiFi network that sense is on, or are you attaching remotely? Are you running a VPN?
Just wanted to check back in here - all issues should be resolved now. If you are still experiencing any other problems, it may not be related to the recent outage we had. Support is always available in that case and you can submit a ticket here: