Service Disruption? Huge Data Lag!

Right now all data in the Android app is 10 minutes behind actual live data. On the Web HTML view. the meter shows data up to 5 minutes ago and the rest is flat zero. Please look into it. Thank you.

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@JuliaAtSense Now the service appears completely down to me for both Android app and Web UI. There’s just a never ending spinner.

Hi, we are currently experiencing an outage, but rest assured, our team is already on it. Will keep you updated.

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nothing was ever on the status page

2 Likes - Our team found the issue and everything should be resolved now. If you are still experiencing any problems, you can always contact our Support team via

@danderson - Our status page is automated, meaning the only things it will detect are known issues with our server or API responses. We do sometimes manually update the status page, but it depends on the outage and for how long. Our team was busy working to resolve this and knew it should not take too long.