Smart plug devices no longer under "always on"

Hey @fluffy_burrito. If you haven’t already, can you reach out to We’re looking into this issue, I’ll make sure to post on this thread when we have an update.

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I recently started adding Wemo insight plugs to anything that runs at 120 volts, including some electronics that is normally part of “always on”. Basically, this breaks-out equipment from “always on”, so you can figure out what is contributing to “always on”. So, as I added more Wemo devices, I saw my “always on” drop. I can reorganize my power strips into what should be “always on” and what does not need to be always on, and then switch off the latter when not required. Putting Wemo devices on all big 120 volt appliances like the dishwasher and microwave, washing machine, and toaster oven, and so on, is really useful, and much more accurate than Sense’s built-in identification protocols, which don’t work very well. This means I have a better grip on the energy use of all devices, including those included in “always on”. I know some of “always on” are my TiVo devices that do need to be “always on” and some are network switches, routers and so on. Its a pity Sense can’t identify 120 volt devices as accurately as Wemo “insights”, as I would not have the expense of buying all those "insights’. So, now i am down to relying on Sense to identify 240 volt devices, which while still inaccurate in many ways, is better than when I was not using Wemos. Sense, then is relegated to an interface that rather nicely integrates Wemo smart plugs in the context of total power monitoring of the house, and gives a much better picture of all energy uses. The bubble picture is pretty nice for an “at a glance” view, and the meter is good when there are questions about exactly what is happening. The data tools are interesting, especially the “bill” section that allows you to see the solar energy generated in the billing period, and the total energy used in that period, so you can estimate what the next bill will be.

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I plugged in a few HS110 yesterday to my computers, which I’m guessing Sense wont ever find. They constantly draw about 5w each just on standby so they show up as their own “on” bubble. I’m also fairly sure this slight power draw used to be included in my Always on, but now my Always On number is the same - as before the plugs, with a few new “On” bubbles for each computer in addition…

It seems like these 3 computers on their own HS110s should have this standby power included in Always On, instead of having their own 5w bubbles?

@peter.katsur, this feature, that isn’t working right now, does separate out each smart plug’s Always On vs the unclassified Always On. Take a look at the graphics embedded in the topic.

A second piece of analysis identifies whether the smart plug is in idle/standby or active mode. Calculations for both smart plug Always On and Idle are here:

This is still an issue. None of my smart plug’s idle power consumption is included in the Always On bubble like before. Has anyone heard anything about a fix?

Nope. And it’s still an issue for me as well. Also… it’s very annoying having a ton of bubbles in Now.

We’re still looking at potential causes and a fix here. I’ll make sure to update this thread once we have an update. In the meantime, please open a support ticket with if you’re seeing this issue.

I just asked for an update on my support ticket this morning and received:

Unfortunately, the source of this issue continues to be under investigation from our end.

If others haven’t already, make sure you have opened support tickets about this.

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Update: We’ll be working on this bug in the coming weeks. I’ll continue to update this thread with a post once a fix is diagnosed and pushed live


What’s weird is it sorta still works depending on where you look. When I look at the devices tab on the web, I see this, which seems to be accurate. It sums up the smart plugs plus the other always on devices. About 140W is what I normally saw before this bug started.


However, on the app and on the web, I also see this. For some reason the Always On + each device when added together is only about 130W and not 140W, but it’s pretty close. But every single one of these has its own bubble on the Now tab, which is really annoying.


EDIT: Going all the way to the beginning of this post, I see there is a mention of the two always on lists not matching.

Hi @JustinAtSense

Any update on this? It feels like with a recent update, changes were made, but I’m not sure if it means things are right.

What I’m still seeing:

AO Bubble and AO stats are only showing non smart plug AO numbers.

AO Goal alerting is still calculating AO based on smart plugs.
My AO bubble is 277 watts.
My smart plug AO is roughly 85w
So actual Always On is 362.
My Always on Goal is set to 315w, so I get alerts every couple hours or every day (seems to change).

All of the Smart Plug always On devices still appear on the bubble view without any idle indication and regardless of their idle status. I know some people like this, I will just voice my opinion again that I dislike this change. I have 12 smart plug devices with AO. Seeing them all the time, rather than just seeing them when they are above idle just clutters the screen.


Hi @ben - just checked on this. I know this involves several different teams on our end and it looks like the development team is working on this/has selected this for development.


Hi everyone. We’ve issued a fix for this. Let us know if you don’t see your smart plugs nesting back under Always On within a few days.


Can confirm that I had the issue for several months, and it appears to now be fixed! Thanks! :star_struck: :grinning:

To clarify:

  • Behavior During the Bug [the undesired behavior]:
    • “Always On” bubble would have a value like 96w
      • Show your work:
        96w equals:
        • 136w of my “minimum” power usage
        • minus
        • 40w of “Idle” devices on smartplugs
    • Practical result: in most contexts, “Always On” meant: “[Unknown/Other] Always On”
      • Except when there was a hiccup in the smartplug data (very rare, but it happens)… then the “Idle” gets messed up, and the “Always On” would switch back to being the “true” minimum power usage (which was confusing and left me uncertain of the “Goals” and other historical data).
  • Behavior Now [the desired behavior!]:
    • “Always On” bubble has a value like 136w
      • Show your work:
        136w equals:
        • 96w of “Unknown/Other”
        • plus
        • 40w of “Idle” devices on smartplugs
    • Practical result: in most [all?] contexts, “Always On” means: “Always On (Itemized + Unknown)”

Also seeing this issue fixed on my account.


Aways On for smartplugs seems to behaving the way it did with all the smartplug devices that are at an Always On level, nesting under Always On :smile:


Also seems fixed for me. Now quite all my devices plugged into HS110s have migrated back into the always on category, but most have and I assume the last remaining couple of devices will after a little more time.

New observation: my always on bubble has disappeared and the always on device is showing greyed out. However, the usage associated with that bubble has not returned to other, it is simply unaccounted for. Will keep an eye on this over the next few days.

My Always On bubble disappeared a couple times a few days ago too. Not sure it is related to this.

Support thought it is related to beta users getting a new firmware loaded to the monitor since the bubble disappears around the same time the update is deployed. In both cases, the bubble came back the next day.

I’ll keep an eye on that, but in the past when my always on bubble has disappeared because of a monitor restart, the usage has ended up in the other bubble, I think?