[Bug] - Network problems

my sense device is talking to my android and my PC’s but when I got to the trend option I keep getting this message " network problem - having trouble talking to sense server retry"
anyone else having this problem? I’ve already sent a message to sense support.


There is currently a server issue that the Sense team is working on which I’m guessing is the problem you are seeing.


thanks Ben, I thought that might be the problem, seems that it may have been going on for several days now


Just noticed same problem

I can also confirm degradation of service for App and WebApp, device detection and viewing of past usage is sketchy at present time.

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Since last evening, I have nothing in trends. Today it says monitor is offline.

I also have the same warning.

@norenlaw @cperu06 This is part of the same bug that you can track here: https://status.sense.com/. We’ll continue to post updates there, and your data will be backfilled once the issue has been resolved.


The power meter works; the floating bubbles work; the “Devices” pages are blank. Has anyone else seen this or does anyone know hoe to get the page data back?

Is this in a browser (if so, which browser and O/S) or app (which app version and OS)?

The status page shows API response time increasing since about 18:00 EDT.

I’m getting connection errors as well…

I’m getting the same network connection error. All the live data works, but any device data, trending, eta is all bubbles.

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Same… My bubble chart and my meter work, but everything else is not displaying and times out with an error that either my network connection is down, or the Sense servers are down… My network connection is fine…

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Trends were out for me for a bit but they are back again (8PM Pacific time)

Update: works on and off again and sometimes only partially. Suspect the API that handles historic aggregated data is having response time issues.

Thanks for your reply.

It’s an iPad Pro with iPadOS 14. The problem has somewhat improved this morning.

Most device data pages will now load, but slowly, and I’m getting a red alarm banner saying “Request Failed.” It briefly appears just before a device’s data finally loads.

I’m not seeing any problems elsewhere with my DSL or WiFi.

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Same exact problem here…

same for me here and the main power meter view only shows the past 10 minutes, anything older is just not there.

Good news! It appears that everything is working again! My guess is that the Monday tech crew came in and realized a hiccup happened over the weekend, and fixed it immediately.

@MikeekiM This should be resolved. It looks like there were some issues with the API Response Time last night that caused this, and we reset things late last evening.

If you’re still experiencing this issue, please write in to support@sense.com so we can properly resolve this bug.


Thanks @JustinAtSense!

I noticed it was fixed a little while ago (this morning). Thanks!!!

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