Sense remote API down?

I’ve been having trouble getting at the Sense API via Python on 4/26, from about 12:30pm PT onwards. I see this error being returned in my Python code:

    # Get just the realtime data from the Sense servers, not including the trend data (which is much larger)
except WebSocketTimeoutException as err:
    print("Websocket Timeout on the API, waiting and will try again. {0}".format(err))
except Exception as err2:
    print("Generic Exception: {0}".format(err2))

Generic Exception: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:997)

Going to, I can get to some views, but the live view of solar vs. consumption never comes up, it just shows the spinner. Sense

Anyone else having problems with the API?


It appears the sense the in entire cloud service is down. I can ping mine locally… shows offline and no data in the app/ web.

They just reported that the installed a fix. We’ll see.

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Only thing that works now on mine is the the log in.

Lost all monitoring connection around 1:30PM Pacific and still currently down across all devices and web UI too. I was just out at the Sense monitor redoing its WiFi connection. Signal Strength: -63dBm, Upload Speed: Good, Download Speed: Good.

But monitoring shows “offline” and no data anywhere.

Looks like the Sense cloud is back in in action after a big hit in performance.

Yeah, it was back up for me at 3;17pm PDT.

I’m kinda of surprised that It didn’t backfill any data in mine. But mine is back up.

I Iove how it was down for several hours and I’ve lost 30 minutes of data and they still consider it 100% uptime.

I only lost a few minutes of data at most from my Power Meter. Five discernible gaps during the time in question.

Mine has been up and down again over the past 2 hours. I can see it on my network and its alive and happy… so the issue does not seem to be on my side.

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