I’ve been having trouble getting at the Sense API via Python on 4/26, from about 12:30pm PT onwards. I see this error being returned in my Python code:
# Get just the realtime data from the Sense servers, not including the trend data (which is much larger)
except WebSocketTimeoutException as err:
print("Websocket Timeout on the API, waiting and will try again. {0}".format(err))
except Exception as err2:
print("Generic Exception: {0}".format(err2))
Generic Exception: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:997)
Going to home.sense.com, I can get to some views, but the live view of solar vs. consumption never comes up, it just shows the spinner. Sense
Lost all monitoring connection around 1:30PM Pacific and still currently down across all devices and web UI too. I was just out at the Sense monitor redoing its WiFi connection. Signal Strength: -63dBm, Upload Speed: Good, Download Speed: Good.
But monitoring shows “offline” and no data anywhere.
Mine has been up and down again over the past 2 hours. I can see it on my network and its alive and happy… so the issue does not seem to be on my side.