Technical Issues?

Thanks, @MikeekiM. I agree that users would like and deserve better operational metrics that are more in line with the real user experience. Even the “big players” usually do a poor job of that, hence the big difference between independent user reported issues found in vs Amazon AWS’s outward facing metrics, I linked to earlier. I would like to see Sense aim higher, but I would prefer that they operationalize better user metrics, rather than manually back-annotating their existing dashboard to reflect what the users saw. I would love to see Sense have metrics for things like the infamous “Request Failed” red banner, missing data, and missed smartplug data so they have a quantitative view of how/when their changes impact users.

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So that is it?

This is all the explanation we will get for 3 complete daysoutage (for me), but a lot longer intermittent service for others?

No wonder they still refer to themselves as a startup (of 10 years) :smile:

Yesterday things were slow to load and there were some gaps in the data. Today all the data appears to be there, and the data gaps are gone. When the next incident happens, I plan to be just as chatty in the forums.

Hi all, wow, what a week to take a vacation. Anyway, I apologize for only replying now. I was out trying to get some needed sunshine (it rained most days). Anyway, I have confirmed that this issue should be fully resolved as of today, and at least from an internal standpoint, the support team did a great job without me. It is unfortunate this took several days to resolve but catching up on the correspondence; it seemed like a complicated issue.

If you find the issue is not resolved, please let me know so I can re-report it. Thanks for your help and patience while I work to help you.


I would like to get your response to the following:

why Sense did not do anything about the outage until people opened tickets because the software in place didn’t catch the problem. Only after 24 hours of complete downtime of historical info, the “investigation” was started.

Sense Status - Uptime History shows 100% uptime over February where we ( the sense users) experienced something completely different.

the support team did a great job without me

Regarding what exactly ? fixing it in 3 days without any feedback to the current users ?

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Will all the missing device data be backfilled in eventually now that this issue is “resolved”?


That is the kind of information everybody would be interested in during and after the “updates” of the problem.

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I am still, as of right now, having issues loading data in the iOS app and website.

Hi, sorry you are experiencing this.
I want to echo what Kevin said here: after you tried logging out and in again, was the issue resolved?

Hi the problem is solved, I’m no longer experience network issues messages and information is loading


Looks like the data has been lost.

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If you lost any data during this outage, send me a private message and tell me where so I can look into it.

What I can say is the obvious - if Sense fails to record the data, then it will be lost - with that, data should be backfilled, so if there are some specific areas that can be pointed to - and you give me permission to access your data - I would be happy to look into it and see what I can do.

Thanks again.