TP-Link HS110 smart plug detection

One solved Technical Question here, says it’s not good to try to move (or remove) an identified device once it has been linked to a smartplug.

Probably the right time to contact support.

ps: I haven’t seen the same issue you did - the 3 smart plugs I put into service on pre-identified devices all merged smoothly and started showing as bubbles (not Other) right away, though my issue today is too many bubbles, even when the smartplugs are at “idle” power levels (1-5W - see below) Also, I have been able to move smartplugs that were NOT associated with pre-existing devices around, though you have to be careful because the waveform histories stick with the smartplug, even if you rename the smartplug in Sense or Kasa (Sense must key off of the MAC address)