February 17, 2024, 5:10pm
Good suggestion, though in my mind, it would be even better for Sense to fully productize Power Quality into a first-class view, like the Power Meter, where one has a full-history, scrollable, zoomable, alertable, real-time view of both mains. That would also bump off many of the Wishlist items for the Sense Labs version of Power Quality:
got a request here…
me and a friend both have Sense in different cities & power companies… we’ve been having some breaker problems and have learned that a low voltage from the utilities can cause a device/appliance to ramp up amperage to get the watts it needs to work… that increase in amps causes breakers to trip since breakers only watch amps in the circuit… we’ve been seeing anywhere from 93-130v ranges…
now our utilities actually have a number & email to submit voltage issues to, and they …
I know this has been previously suggested., Here are my 2cents worth of suggestions. I live in the country and we have had a history of weather related voltage dips and spikes. While it is great to see it on Sense Labs. You have to check on a regular basis and it is very after the fact. If a notification can be sent when the voltage dips or spikes above a set amount, would allow be to assess what could be causing it and more importantly what I can do to protect equipment. I could chang…
So having had one of these, and the consequent nasty mess it left, it strikes me that it should be really simple to spot (and since this is a Really Bad Thing it probably should alert me that I need to get it fixed pronto.
Who else would like to see the Labs Power quality graph update more than once every 3-5 days?
Would be nice to see this information so we can take action before sustained issues cause major problems.
I suggest adding a way to jump directly to the voltage plot for a specific date on the Power Quality page. Just saw I had 335 dips or spikes in the last 30 days. The CSV export (plotted below) shows most of these occurred on back on July 6th and 7th. I’d like to see the voltage plots for these dates, but navigating to them by clicking ‘Previous’ and waiting for the prior day’s plot to load nearly 30 times is cumbersome.
[Voltage Dips -- July 2021]
I like the idea mentioned here regarding a…
Sense Labs request, but since it is a request, putting it here under wish list.
While it would be awesome to be able to scroll the voltage chart like we can the main energy meter, if that isn’t feasible, would it be possible to at least lock the 24hour period viewed?
In looking at several days worth of charts, the time moves around which makes doing daily comparisons difficult as not only is lining up charts hard, but also you lose hours.
In the last few days, I’ve had
10/20 3:00am - 10/21 2…
ps: I you are a bit handy with computers and want this kind of power quality trace fairly badly, it can be done with HomeAssistant and the HomeAsistant Sense integration today.